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Elliott Brown History & heritage
24 Jan 2024 - Elliott Brown
Did you know?

The Winston Churchill, Cadbury No 7 steam locomotive outside the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley

On a walk around Dudley in January 2024, I went down Tipton Road past the Black Country Living Museum, during a weekend when they were closed for maintenance, so the car park was empty. I saw a green steam locomotive called Winston Churchill, this was the Cadbury Bros No 7 steam locomotive. It arrived in 2012, on the spot where the Titanic anchor replica used to be.

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The Winston Churchill, Cadbury No 7 steam locomotive outside the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley

On a walk around Dudley in January 2024, I went down Tipton Road past the Black Country Living Museum, during a weekend when they were closed for maintenance, so the car park was empty. I saw a green steam locomotive called Winston Churchill, this was the Cadbury Bros No 7 steam locomotive. It arrived in 2012, on the spot where the Titanic anchor replica used to be.

First a repost on the Titanic anchor replica seen in 2011

The replica of The Titanic Anchor. It was made in 2010 by Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd for a Channel 4 documentary. It was on loan at the time to the museum from Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council.  The original anchor was made by N. Hingley & Sons Ltd in 1911 at their factory in Netheron, Dudley. The original anchor weighed 15.5 tons. In 2011 the Titanic anchor replica was seen outside of the Black Country Living Museum near the former Rolfe Street Baths building. But it was eventually moved to a more permenant location in Netherton where it remains today. It was replaced in 2012 by the Winston Churchill, Cadbury No 7 steam locomotive.

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Winston Churchill, Cadbury No 7 in 2024

The relocation of the Winston Churchill was made possible through the help and support of the local house builder Lovell Partnerships Ltd and The Friends of the Black Country Museum.

0-6-0ST Manning Wardle locomotive built at Boyne Engine Works, Leeds in 1923. It was ordered by the Cadbury Brothers, Bournville in February 1923, and was completed and sent to Cadbury Blackpole Factory by June 1923. It became their No 7 steam locomotive at the Waterside Site. It was moved to Bournville for a short time before it returned to Blackpole. And was named after Winston Churchill. By 1946 it had been replaced by diesel and was sold to Robert Stephenson and Hawthorn in Darlington. It arrived in Dudley at G Pitt & Co Ltd on the Pensnett Trading Estate later in 1946. It was eventually placed outside of the Black Country Living Museum in 2012 after the Titanic anchor replica was removed.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
18 Jan 2024 - Elliott Brown

The Beacon of Hope at St Martin in the Bullring

From the 15th to 27th January 2024 outside of St Martin in the Bullring is a temporary stained glass installation called The Beacon of Hope, by Ugandan artist Matt Kayem. It was commissioned by Christian Aid.

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The Beacon of Hope at St Martin in the Bullring

From the 15th to 27th January 2024 outside of St Martin in the Bullring is a temporary stained glass installation called The Beacon of Hope, by Ugandan artist Matt Kayem. It was commissioned by Christian Aid.

The Beacon of Hope

From 15-27 January 2024, beaming brightly in the grounds of St Martin in the Bull Ring, Birmingham, our stained-glass style ‘Beacon of Hope’ will create an awe-inspiring spectacle of light and colour with messages of hope to lift everyone’s spirits.

From Blue Monday, the Beacon will illuminate five powerful messages of hope about hunger, equality, health, climate, and injustice.

Each message of hope was brought to life by Ugandan artist, Matt Kayem, from and working in Kampala. Matt’s work explores identity, race, history, and culture through installations, collage-paintings and photography.

Working in his signature style Matt used recycled denim, sourced from the markets of Kampala then stretched onto frames, as the unique canvas for his vivid, colourful creations.



I first saw information about The Beacon of Hope, from this banner on St Martin in the Bullring. I was on the bus on the 12th January 2024 heading to my terminus stop. It tells you that it will be here from the 15th to 27th January 2024.

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A few days after the Lord Mayor of Birmingham unveiled The Beacon of Hope, I got a couple of photos of it, shortly after arriving at the Bullring. There is about four stained glass panels. Seen on the 17th January 2024.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
07 Jan 2024 - Elliott Brown

Birmingham Cathedral: Divine Beauty at Night

This is the second year that Divine Beauty at Night has been held at Birmingham Cathedral. This time from the 4th to 6th January 2024. After the Edward Burne-Jones stained glass windows were cleaned and restored during 2023. I went on the evening of the 6th January 2024. Was in a queue outside initially, and got in a little late due to a technical issue, but once in, it was amazing!

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Birmingham Cathedral: Divine Beauty at Night

This is the second year that Divine Beauty at Night has been held at Birmingham Cathedral. This time from the 4th to 6th January 2024. After the Edward Burne-Jones stained glass windows were cleaned and restored during 2023. I went on the evening of the 6th January 2024. Was in a queue outside initially, and got in a little late due to a technical issue, but once in, it was amazing!

St Philip's Church commissioned the famous Arts & Crafts firm of Morris & Co and the artist Edward Burne-Jones to design and construct three stained glass windows in 1884.

He chose three subjects for the windows:

The Ascension (completed 1885)

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The Nativity (1887-8)

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The Crucifixion (1887-8)

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These were in the newly enlarged chancel.


About a decade later a fourth window followed, the Last Judgement (1897).

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During World War 2 (1939-45) they were removed to a Welsh slate mine to keep them safe.

In 2023, the Divine Beauty Project started, and the windows were fully restored and cleaned.

The first Divine Beauty at Night took place from the 12th to 14th January 2023. The second from the 4th to 6th January 2024. Both events organised by Luxmuralis.


Divine Beauty at Night 2024

On Saturday 6th January 2024, was the third evening / night of Divine Beauty at Night. Held for the second year. Was a long queue, with the timed ticketed slots, but the delay was due to a technical issue, meaning the show started a bit late. So got into Birmingham Cathedral around 20 minutes later than expected, but was worth it once I got in the building.

The Divine Beauty at Night lights show of the Burne-Jones windows lasted about 25 minutes, it was quite impressive. A gallery of photos is below.

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dndimg alt="Divine Beauty at Night" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Divine%20Beauty%20at%20Night%20BC%2006012023%20(25).JPG" style="width: 100%;" /> Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
04 Jan 2024 - Elliott Brown

Graham Jones wood carving sculptures across Birmingham and the West Midlands

There is many wooden carving sculptures across Birmingham and the West Midlands region by local woodcarver Graham Jones. There is collection in Selly Oak Park. Recent ones have been installed in Hall Green and Swanshurst Park. In the past he's made ones for the Lickey Hills Country Park and Jephson Gardens, Leamingon Spa.

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Graham Jones wood carving sculptures across Birmingham and the West Midlands

There is many wooden carving sculptures across Birmingham and the West Midlands region by local woodcarver Graham Jones. There is collection in Selly Oak Park. Recent ones have been installed in Hall Green and Swanshurst Park. In the past he's made ones for the Lickey Hills Country Park and Jephson Gardens, Leamingon Spa.

Graham Jones | Wood Carver

He has over 30 years experience of creating public wood carvings. Many of them can be found in Birmingham, and other areas.


Copper Beech Tree bench and snail

Location: Jephson Gardens, Leamington Spa.

Wooden carving from an oak tree that was felled in 2013 in Jephson Gardens in Leamington Spa. Seen near the Parade and River Leam. It was carved by Graham Jones from a  copper beech tree. The tree had been there from the 1840s to 2013.

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The Spirit of the Woods

Location: Lickey Hills Country Park, on Bilberry Hill. Not far from the Lickey Hills Visitor Centre.

A carved wooden sculpture called The Spirit of the Woods. Made by Graham Jones in 1993. Part of a Sculpture Trail. The sculpture trail was first commissioned in 1991 by Birmingham City Council and the Arts Council.

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Galton Valley Owl

Location: Opposite the Galton Valley Pumping Station on the Birmingham Canal Navigations Old Mainline (Wolverhampton Level). Near Brasshouse Lane, Smethwick.

Probably installed in 2023. Close to The Galton Valley Canal Heritage Area.

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Owl Totem Pole

Location: Elmdon Park, Solihull

The totem pole was created from ideas put forward by local schools, after an Oaks and Shires event in 2004.

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Location: Elmdon Park, Solihull

'Twitters' came to Elmdon Park in 2003 and is carved from a tree that was removed from the park.

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Swanshurst Park Centenary Pole

Location: Swanshurst Park, near Yardley Wood Road, closer to Moseley than Billesley, in view of the Moseley New Pool.

A wooden totem with a painted black swan on the side and a crow on top. Installed in 2023 for the Friends of Swanshurst Park group for the Centenary of Swanshurst Park (1923 - 2023).

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Hall Green

Location: Greet Mill Meadow, Shire Country Park, near Stratford Road, Hall Green.

Installed in 2022 for the Hall Green's Keepin' It Clean litter buster group.

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Be green because we're Hall Green let's make a difference

Location: Between Stratford Road and Reddings Lane on York Road in Hall Green. Behind the Apple Green petrol station.

Installed in 2023 for the Hall Green's Keepin' It Clean litter buster group.

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Dragon Bench

Location: Outside of Hall Green Library on the Stratford Road.

The Dragon Bench was  carved by Graham Jones in 2002. It was unveiled in February 2003, on the 40th anniversary of the library. May have been inspired by the dragon Smaug in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (Tolkien lived down the road in the hamlet of Sarehole in the early 1900s as a small boy). May have been done in association with pupils of Hall Green School.

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Chinn Brook Meadows

Location: Chinn Brook Meadows, Shire Country Park. Near Highfield Road, Yardley Wood.

Carved from the remains of a tree trunk. Image of a swan and flowers on it, plus a hand.

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Roots and Branches

Location: Handsworth Park.

Wooden carving by Graham Jones & cast in metal by Tim Tolkien.

Four trees with extended roots on the ground in steel which can be used as seats. Roots extend out above the ground forming seating with the inner space proving a meeting place. Made in 2019-20. Part of the Handsworth Park Arts Trail.

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The Commonwealth of Nations

Location: St Thomas' Peace Garden.

These appear to have been made for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games in mind. The Commonwealth replaced the British Empire in name in 1949. There was also a wooden table here, and mosaics on the ground.

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Lapal - Welcome to Selly Oak Park

Location: Selly Oak Park.

Part of the sculpture trail for the Friends of Selly Oak Park in 2011.

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Bench in memory of Geoff Bartlett, Found Friend of Selly Oak Park

Location: Selly Oak Park.

Part of the sculpture trail for the Friends of Selly Oak Park in 2011.

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Deer or kangaroo

Location: Selly Oak Park.

Part of the sculpture trail for the Friends of Selly Oak Park in 2011.

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dndimg alt="Graham Jones" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Selly%20Oak%20Park%20(Jan%202017)%20(5)%20.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />


Carved log bench

Location: Selly Oak Park.

Part of the sculpture trail for the Friends of Selly Oak Park in 2011.

dndimg alt="Graham Jones" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Selly%20Oak%20Pk%20GJ%20(Jun%202012)%20(6).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />



Location: Selly Oak Park.

Part of the sculpture trail for the Friends of Selly Oak Park in 2011.

dndimg alt="Graham Jones" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Selly%20Oak%20Pk%20GJ%20(Jun%202012)%20(2).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

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Selly Oak Park bench

Location: Selly Oak Park.

Part of the sculpture trail for the Friends of Selly Oak Park in 2011.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
30 Dec 2023 - Elliott Brown

Stacey Barnfield's Colour Palette's in Birmingham, Warwick and Royal Leamington Spa

Former Birmingham Mail editor Stacey Barnfield set up a company called Draw My City and the Colour Palette Company. He has also been involved in Staying Cool's Creative Heights programmes. His Colour Palette's can be seen in Birmingham at Grand Central, in Warwick at Warwick Station and in Royal Leamington Spa in a subway below the station.

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Stacey Barnfield's Colour Palette's in Birmingham, Warwick and Royal Leamington Spa

Former Birmingham Mail editor Stacey Barnfield set up a company called Draw My City and the Colour Palette Company. He has also been involved in Staying Cool's Creative Heights programmes. His Colour Palette's can be seen in Birmingham at Grand Central, in Warwick at Warwick Station and in Royal Leamington Spa in a subway below the station.

Go here for Stacey Barnfield's Draw My City website, if you wish to purchase any of his products.


The Birmingham Colour Palette

The Birmingham Colour Palette seen in Grand Central during June 2021. This is if you are heading to the Stephenson Street exit of Birmingham New Street Station. Was covering over vacant units.

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The Birmingham Colour Palette and Draw My City seen in Grand Central during October 2022. More vacant units were covered by Stacey's art beyond the Kitty Cafe.

dndimg alt="Birmingham Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Draw%20my%20City%20BGCB%2025102022%20(2).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

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The Warwick Colour Palette

The Warwick Colour Palette is located on platform 1 at Warwick Station, as seen during April 2023. The station is currently being renovated, so the subway and station building were closed.

dndimg alt="The Warwick Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Warwick%20Colour%20Palette%20(Apr%202023)%20(1).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="The Warwick Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Warwick%20Colour%20Palette%20(Apr%202023)%20(2).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

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Seen from the Chiltern Mainline, when the train stopped at Warwick Station during December 2023. The Warwick Colour Palette is to the right of the temporary entrance to platform 1 (half the platform is still closed during these works).

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The Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette

The Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette is located in the pedestrian subway below Leamington Spa Station (not the subway between platforms 2 and 3). The panels are on both sides of the subways walls.

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dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(2).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(3).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(4).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

dndimg alt="Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palette" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Leamington%20Spa%20Colour%20Palette%20(Dec%202023)%20(5).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

 Photography by Elliott Brown

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